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April 2019          Nalanda West, Seattle, Washington. Envisioned and planned a month-long                                retrospective exhibit of her visual art; created a temporary art installation,                                  Reflections on the Heart Wisdom; held two artist talks with Karen de Luna,                                    Cece Miller and visual artist, Donna Allen; led a collage workshop; with                                        Katiana Rangel performed Duck, Death & the Tulip with original puppets; led                                a sing-a-long of Buddhist songs of realization (dohas) and popular songs                                    with lyrics re-written with Buddhist meanings, e.g., You Can’t Always Get What                              You WantSongs of Silence/Wisdom, Me & Repa Yogi; and led a workshop on                                  copying the Heart Sutra.




January              Member Show, CORE Gallery, Seattle

February           Gobsmacked! solo show, CORE Gallery, Seattle



Mar - Apr          Heel, Toe and Away We Go, Northwest Collage Society Spring Exhibition, Fogue                             Gallery, Seattle, WA

Apr - Jun            26th Annual Small-Format Exhibit, National Collage Society Award Winner,                                   Kansas City Public Library, Kansas

June                   66th Annual Edmonds Arts Festival, Edmonds, WA

July                     Please Touch, Annual Tactile Art Exhibit, A/NT Gallery & El Centro de la Raza,                               Seattle, WA

July                     Annual Members' Show, Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA), Seattle, WA

July - Sept          It's the Water, Women Painters of Washington Gallery, Seattle

Aug - Sept         39th Annual Juried Exhibit, National Collage Society, Kean University, Union,                                 New Jersey

Aug - Oct           Fresh Perspectives, Women Painters of Washington Juried Show, Cordata                                     Gallery, Bellingham, WA             

Sept                   43rd Annual Arts of the Terrace Juried Art Show, Montlake, WA

Oct - Jan '24      Small Wonders, Women Painters of Washington Gallery, Seattle

Oct - Jan '24      Juried show, Coalescent of Art, WPW & PSG, Aljoya, Mercer Island, WA

Nov - Dec          Juried show, Small Works & Miniatures, Parklane Gallery, Kirkland, WA


Mar - May          Collage at the Lodge, Northwest Collage Society Spring Exhibition,

                            St. Edwards Park Hotel, Kenmore, WA

Apr - Jun             25th Annual Small-Format ExhibitNational Collage Society, Summit Art                                          Space, Akron, OH

June                    Annual Members' Show, Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA), Seattle, WA

Nov - Jan '23      Every Picture Tells a Story, Don't It, Northwest Collage Society Fall/Winter                                        Show, Rosehill Community Center Art Gallery, Mukilteo, WA


Oct - Dec            37th Annual Juried Exhibit, National Collage Society, Merit Award, online       

March 2020       Vision 2020 Member Show, CoCA (Center on Contemporary Art), Seattle

April 2019          One month solo retrospective exhibit of visual art and installations,                                              Nalanda West, Seattle, WA

Feb 2011            Dharma Art exhibit with 11 other visual artists, Nalanda West, Seattle, WA


June 2011           Four Reminders installation, Nalanda West, Seattle, WA


Aug 1995            50th Anniversary Art Exhibition Competition, Jacques Marchais Museum of                                Tibetan Art, Staten Island, NY. “Young Tibetan Monk & Leopard Boy,” color                                  photograph taken in Nepal

Nov 1992            2nd Medical Complex Show, Lenox Hill Artists Forum & Cornell Medical                                       Library, New York City. Three masks and one color photograph included in                                 group exhibit



As a character actor, Lynne tells stories, sings, dances, clowns around, and plays with puppets, masks and toys to bring sheer delight to her audiences. The messages of her work include universal themes of the human condition, unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of all living beings.


Dec 2020              Holiday Storytelling with Auntie Claus, shared children’s stories using toys                                       and props  Angel Pig & the Hidden Christmas by Jan L. Waldron, The Elf on                                 the Shelf by Carol V. Aebersold and Chanda A. Bell, Auntie Claus by Elise                                     Primavera, and The Spirit of Christmas by Nancy Tillman. On Zoom for                                         Contemplative Resource Center, Bandera, TX.

July & Oct 2019    Songs of Milarepa, performed and sang with Katiana Rangel (as                                                       Paldorbum and Milarepa) and Lynne (as Milarepa, Pigeon Goddesses, and                                 Grandmother), and Lori Goldston, on cello at Nalanda West, Seattle, WA.


2018 & 2019        Duck, Death & the Tulip, performance with Katiana Rangel (as Duck) and                                       Lynne (as Death) at Nalanda West, Seattle, WA. Original puppets by Lynne.


Mar 2014              The Stone Ape, storytelling with puppets and props, Northwest Dharma                                       Association Buddhist Arts Festival, Seattle University


2004 to present   Frequent performer, emcee, and storyteller for audiences of all ages,                                           Nalanda West, Seattle, WA


1997                      The Monster of the Lotus Lake, a Jataka Tale, original performance with                                           original puppets and props performed at First Nalandabodhi Fundraising                                   event, Boulder, CO.


Clown and Physical Theatre


Lynne’s primary clown persona, MeeMee HeeHee was developed in 2003 as a result of studying with Moshe Cohen, founder of Clowns without Borders, USA


2004 to present    MeeMee HeeHee has performed annually for a variety of events at                                              Nalanda West in Seattle, including Nalandabodhi Sangha Retreat, His                                          Holiness Karmapa in America, Tibetan New Year celebrations, and for                                          Pacific Zen Institute programs.


2017                        MeeMee HeeHee, This Little Light of Mine performance and interactive                                           clowning, Zia Larson’s Ray of Light Foundation benefit, NAAM, Seattle, WA


June 2014               MeeMee HeeHee, Pride Day Parade, Seattle, WA. Interactive clowning                                           with friends from Bailey Boushay House

Mar 2014                MeeMee HeeHee, This Little Light of Mine and Happy performances,                                               Northwest Dharma Association Buddhist Arts Festival, Seattle University


April - Aug 2014     MeeMee Hee Hee, interactive clowning with adults in Assisted Living at                                       Bayview Retirement Community, Seattle, WA


Jan 2004                  MeeMee HeeHee Lights Up the Universe, an original one-woman new                                               vaudeville performance at Nalanda West, Seattle, WA with                                                               original characters as Cecil B. Laffin (a dragonologist), JoJo (an existential                                     clown), Tex Mex (dancer with Ms. Bones), and Liv Dalittle (A woman who                                     runs with the wolves), and others.


Oct 1997                 A Naga for the 90’s performance in a “tableau vivant” hosted by Laurie                                           Anderson at Tricycle magazine’s Transformation Ball. Original costume                                       design and body paint.


Mar – Apr 1997     The American Sleep, performed 11 roles with Bread & Puppet Theatre,                                          Theater for the New City, New York and at Goddard College, Vermont.


Teaching Artist

Washington State Teaching Artist Training (TAT) Lab graduate, 2015


2018 to present     Nalanda West, Seattle, Washington. Contemplative Collage workshops                                     for adults incorporating creativity, imagination, silence, and group                                                 reflection.       


Oct 2014                 Henry Art Gallery, teaching artist workshop for children and parents on                                   collage book-making inspired by the exhibit, “Ann Hamilton: the common                                   S E N S E.”


Sept 2014                Seattle Public Library, Lake City Branch, “If the Mammoth Tusk Could                                        Talk,” an afternoon of prehistoric investigation, interactive storytelling,                                        and  creative play for children, inspired by the discovery of Lulu’s tusk in                                      South Lake Union. Incorporated show and tell using a Burke Museum                                          trunk of prehistoric specimens to examine.


April 2011                Nalanda West, Seattle, Washington. Children’s Art Celebration


April 2010                Nalanda West, Seattle, Washington. Earth Day mask-making for kids                                        using recycled materials.


Summer 2005         Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle. Teacher at Summer University                                    of ten “Bloodlines” classes during five weeks.  Focus on understanding                                        family heritage, evolution and diverse cultures.  Included storytelling,                                          guest speakers and finding commonality as well as respect for                                                      differences.


Spring 2003            Talbot Hill Elementary, Renton, WA.  Teacher during Mini-College of two                                    classes, one on Peacemaking and one on the poetry of Mattie Stepanek.


Fall 1998                  Inside Broadway, Project ARTS (Arts Restoration Throughout the                                                Schools) P.S. 99, Queens, New York.  Teaching artist.  Taught and created                                      three workshops on an historic Native American Iroquois Peace Ritual                                        for six classes of fourth grade children.  Use of masks, rattles, puppets,                                        and Native American music.  Objective was to learn Iroquois history and                                    culture and the importance of kindness to one another.


Spring 1996            New York Foundation for the Arts fellow (State Education Department)                                    at P.S. 48, Huntspoint, Bronx, New York.  Taught and created ten                                                    workshops on masks from around the world for two classes of second                                        and third grade bi-lingual classes.  Emphasis on building vocabulary and                                    math skills through multi-cultural studies.


Spring 1995            Grace Church School, New York City.  Taught five-week workshop on the                                    use of masks from around the world for two 3rd grade classes.


1992                         The Door, New York City. Volunteer for 6 months with teenagers to                                              create a Safe Sex/AIDS awareness mural, performance props, and                                                various arts & crafts projects.


1991                         CityKids, New York City. Volunteered for a non-profit youth                                                            empowerment organization whose mission is to positively impact the                                          lives of diverse young people through community engagement projects,                                      discussion groups and performances.

Performance Education


  • Acting classes in NYC for BA degree and Improv classes in Seattle


  • Various clown workshops, Seattle, WA with Moshe Cohen (2017), Lyam White (2014), Stefan Haves (2013), Mik Kuhlman (2013)


  • SANCA (Seattle Acrobatics & New Circus Arts), Seattle, WA, Hula Hoop with Taylor Daynes, 2013


  • Advanced Clowning, six-week class with George Lewis, Freehold Theatre, Seattle, WA, 2011


  • Clowning your Zen workshop and OD (Order of Disorder) dharma talk with Sensei Bernie Glassman and Moshe Cohen, San Francisco Zen Center, March 2011


  • Finding your Clown Chakra with Moshe Cohen, Founder of Clowns Without Borders, USA. Weekend workshop, Naropa University, Boulder, CO, 2003


  • Bread & Puppet Theater, Vermont, internship with Peter Schumann, February 1997

Continuing Education


  • Buddhist Visual Literacy with Stephanie Johnston, Nalanda West, 2020 - 2021

  • Tibetan Buddhist Studies with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, spiritual director of Nalandabodhi International and other masters, 1980 to present


  • Courage & Renewal retreats in Washington (led by Parker Palmer) and Oregon, 2006


  • Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), since 2008


  • Certificate Program in Spirituality, Health & Medicine, Bastyr University, Kenmore, WA, audited 2001-2002

  • Member, Artist Trust


Undergraduate Studies


Empire State College (SUNY), New York City, BA in Theater Arts, 1995


School of Visual Arts, New York City. The Magic of Masks with Josephine Monter,1994


School of the Art Institute of Chicago, studied painting with Ray Yoshida, photography, printmaking, and ceramic sculpture, 1979        


Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, studied liberal and fine arts, painting with Ed Paschke, 1977-1978

Mentor & volunteer


Throughout her professional nonprofit fundraising career, Lynne has served as a mentor and coach to individuals seeking career guidance. For more than three decades, she has been a meditation instructor and class facilitator in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.



December 2017          Clowns Without Borders, USA, Nalanda West, Seattle, WA. Organized                                         benefit performance featuring Moshe Cohen, Sarah Liane Foster,                                                 Ceceila Frye, Linda Severt, Marisol Soledad, Bill Robison.


March 2014                 Northwest Dharma Association, “Arts as Buddhist Practice” event at                                           Seattle University. Planning team for three months. Storyteller &                                                  performer at event.

July 2009                      Pema Chodron in Seattle, "No Time to Lose" weekend program for                                            1300 attendees at UW Meany Hall. Project Management DIrector for                                            all aspects of event organization and execution.

2008                             “Dying Well: Sacred Rituals & Caring Communities"                                                                    Conference at Nalanda West, Seattle, WA. Organized an Evening of                                              Sacred Performance including Pat Wright’s Total Experience Gospel                                              Choir, Sufi poetry, Irish bagpipes and fiddle, Native American                                                          drumming and song, and “Dancing with Death” performance by Lynne                                        with props and puppets.

Aug 2004                     Change Your Mind Day / International Buddhist Festival, Volunteer                                              Park, Seattle, WA. Emcee, interactive contemplative clowning and                                                  planning committee. Event sponsored by Northwest Dharma                                                       Association, Seattle Asian Art Museum, and Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.


2004 to present          Nalanda West, Seattle, WA. Organized numerous programs with                                                Buddhist masters and acclaimed speakers such as Pema Chodron,

                                      John Tarrant Roshi, Joanna Macy, Mark Nepo, and Margaret Wheatley.


2003 to 2006               Seattle Girls School mentor


1995 to 1999               Arts-in-Education Roundtable member, New York City

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